Where the Conflict Really List Science Religion and Naturalism by [Alvin Plantinga]
Mishneh Torah Sefer Hamadah: Book of Knowledge by [Maimonides]
The Spirit of the Islamic Law by [Bernard Weiss]
Guns, Sails and Empires: Technological Innovation and European Expansion 1400-1700 by [Carlo Cipolla]
A Peoples History of the United States by [Howard Zinn]
A Study of History Vol I-X by [Sir Arnold Toynbee]
The Coddling of the American Mind by [Jonathan Haidt]
Designing for Behaviour Change: Applying Psychology and Behavioral Economics by [Stephen Wendel]
The Loss of Sadness by [Horowitz et. al.]
Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Basics and Beyond by [Judith S. Beck]
Deterministic Non Periodic Flow by [Edward Lorenz]
God, Freedom, and Evil by [Alvin Plantinga]
Artificial Intelligence Structure and Strategies by [George F Luger]
Artificial Intelligence Theory and Practice by [Thomas Dean]
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs by [Abelson et. al.]
Probability Theory the Logic of Science by [E. T. Jaynes]
An Introduction to Information Theory by [John R. Pierce]
Introduction to Lambda Calculus by [Barendregt et. al.]
Why Functional Programming Matters by [Hughes John]
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